Normally, an applicant for US citizenship must demonstrate that he or she can read/write/speak basic English. This is done through answering questions in English at an interview as well as reading and writing short sentences in English and passing a civics exam.
However, if you are 50 years of age or older AND have been a permanent resident for 20 years or more, you can have the interview and exam in the language you prefer. Similarly, if you are 55 years of age or older AND have been a permanent resident for 15 years or more, you can also choose the language you prefer. The interview will be in your language and you do not have to read/write sentences in English. You still have to take the civics exam but it can be in your language of preference. An interpreter
should be brought to the interview.

There are many benefits to being a United States Citizen, such as being able to vote, no restrictions on time spent outside of the U.S., the ability to petition more family members, and not having to renew your green card. If you are a permanent resident interested in becoming a US Citizen, call today for an appointment!
We are here to support you:
Phone Number: 3109877172
Meet with Alena:
This is general information and not legal advice. For advice about your specific situation, please schedule a consultation. (There is a fee).