Do you want to apply for DACA For the first time?
There are many requirements to qualify for DACA including proving that the applicant has lived in the USA from June 2007 to the present.
#1 If you were in school during any of that time, a great thing to include is a transcript or cumulative record because it has several years of proof on just a couple of pages which makes it easier for the USCIS to review. You can usually request this from schools or school districts online.
#2 Documents must be in English OR have an English translation. If you're using report cards or billing statements, sometimes the school/company can provide an English version upon request.
#3 Organizing your documents by year will help make it easier for you to see if anything is missing AND make it easier for the immigration officer to review. Always make a copy of what is sent to USCIS.
I have represented DACA applicants since DACA first came out in 2012 so I know exactly what is needed and how to best present it. To find out more, call or message us to set up an appointment! (310)987-7172
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This is general information and not legal advice. For advice about your specific situation, please schedule a consultation. (There is a fee).